Monday, February 8, 2010

The Blizzard Breakfast Bake

Over the weekend, we received over 2 feet of snow.... 25-30".  Besides the fact that I'm student teaching and I don't have to make up any days, I love snow because it makes you slow down and be able to spend time with family and friends. We are expecting about foot or so of snow Tuesday into stay tuned to another post. 

I went to Wegmans just as the storm began so I was able to get some good things so I could bake this weekend. 

Blizzard Breakfast Bake: serves ~8 hungry people

* 10 eggs
* skim milk (about 1 cup)
* Bob Evans Low Fat Pork Sausage 
* 1/2 loaf of challah bread
* 1 1/2 cups (usually 1 package) of 2% lowfat cheddar cheese (I prefer Sharp)
* Butter or  nonstick spray
* Salt & pepper to taste

Butter or spray a casserole dish (10 x 13 if you have one). If you are serving to a lot of people, I suggest the butter because it tastes soo good. If you are making this to eat over a few days and want to save on calories, I'd use Pam. Brown the sausage. As the sausage is cooking, pull the challah bread apart and put it into the casserole dish. I would pull 1" cubes, no larger. Challah bread is a Jewish sweetbread. It is delicious! Also makes great french toast. I suggest Challah if you can find it, or another sweet bread. If I were home, I'd get Portuguese Sweet bread from Cornerstone Bakery.

Once the sausage is brown, pour it evenly into the casserole dish, over the bread. Evenly put the cheese over the bread and sausage. Scramble the eggs and add the milk. Season with salt and pepper. (Put more than you think you'll need) You could always use all egg whites, but I suggest you use some yolks. 

Pour the egg mixture over the bread & sausage & cheese. The mixture should cover the bread & sausage. If not, it does not hurt to add more eggs & milk. 

In a perfect world, cover & refrigerate over night. If not, let it sit for as long as possible. We didn't because we were too tired from shoveling & walking to and from the bar and I'm sure that's why it added to our cooking time. (The bread needs to soak up some of the mixture...less liquid = less baking time)

Bake in over for 30 minutes for 350 degrees or until the egg mixture is set. There should be no liquid. Just stick a spoon in there and try to scoop it up. I know Justin increased the temp to 400-450 for a few minutes towards the end because it was taking too long. It was wonderful. 

You can make many variations to this bake.... make it more mexican, make it spicy, put ground turkey meat in instead. The world is your breakfast bake. 

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