Friday, July 16, 2010

Honey Moon

As most of you know, the JG and I got married last Saturday. We are currently on our honeymoon ...road tripping up from San Diego to Seattle, then Vancouver by train.  Hotels, B&Bs, and camping. . .

Last night we camped just south of Santa Barbara in Carpinteria State Beach. Not rural...but we got to use our new stove & camping gear. (Thanks everyone!!)

Last night we made a 1 pot meal- spaghetti & mussels over our stove.


whole wheat pasta
1lb mussels
seasonings with garlic in it
white wine
parmesean cheese

Steamed the mussels until they opened with the seasons & wine. The amount? Until it reached a good level in the pot.
Remove mussels & store in sand/dirt free locations. add water to the wine mixture & boil. Add pasta. Drain pasta. Add mussels (we shelled them so we had room in the pot). Add evoo to pot & parmesan cheese. (to your own liking)

This was fantastic & easy.

stay tuned for more adventures. Big Sur tonight. :)


  1. I want to try this immediately! It looks so good, and it sounds like you're having a great trip! :)
