Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Best Strawberry Shortcake I've ever had...

I had a long meeting at work on Monday evening.  On my 0.8 mi drive home I thought to myself "wouldn't it be nice if I came home and Justin was baking something?".  I walk in the door and there he was, in the kitchen finishing making fresh whipped cream with something in the oven. What inspired him to bake was that we had leftover strawberries from the crepes we had made that Sunday. 

Always the Best Sponge Cake Recipe 

4 Eggs, separated
1 Cup Sugar
4 TBS Cold water
1 Cup Sifted cake flour*
1 tsp Baking powder

Beat egg yolks and sugar together until very light. Add water. Sift together flour and baking powder. Add to batter. Beat egg whites until stiff. Fold into batter. Pour batter into prepared pan.

* We should buy cake flour, but never do. You can substitute 1 cup of cake flour for 7/8 cup of all-purpose flour and 2 tbs of cornstarch. Just put 2 tps on the bottom of a measuring cup and fill the rest with flour. That's the 7/8 :) 

Justin put it in 1 9" round cake pans.  Baked at 350 for about 25 minutes. As they were baking, he made fresh whipped cream. (Heavy cream with our kitchenaid stand mix with the whipping tool until it was whipped) 

Once the cake was out, he let it cool, then cut it in 1/2 and put in 1/2 the whipped cream.  He then put the strawberries on top of the cake, along with the rest of the whipped cream. 

What was great about this cake was that it had a golden crunchiness on the outside. It was baked perfectly! Definitely a recipe I would use for our B&B! 

Needless to say, that night I had 2 pieces. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG that looks delicious :) I am on a strawberry kick right now too.

    So glad to see you guys are food blogging!!


    PS. Love the header photo.
